Tree Planting

Thursday I spent the day in the motorhome–planning for a trip, nope. Beaver motorhomes are top of the line–this one cost someone almost $500,000 twenty years ago. But Beaver designers made a big mistake in our opinion. Attached to the cabinet and refrigerator doors are these fake burl wood panels. It might have looked great when new but add those 20 years and the panels are coming unglued around the edges. The refrigerator doors were particularly bad–pieces of the panel had broken–it looked awful. So with my heat gun, sander and putty knife in hand I stripped the burl panels from the refrigerator door. The resulting glue left behind was well, like glue! and it was a long day before I was satisfied with how it looked. Whew!

Friday I spent some time ripping out the knitting–can’t say I was knitting as I spent more time ripping and casting the stitches back onto the needles than I did actual knitting! Saturday was the same thing. I was getting so frustrated! The Cowboy asked me if my light was good enough–well no–so we moved another lamp closer to me and I was able to finally make a bit of progress! I shouldn’t say anything, it will probably jinx me!

We needed a few groceries and Friday afternoon I made a run to the Walmart and Safeway stores in Benson–about 40 minutes from our house. The loss of the grocery store in this community has been hard–our only choice for any kind of groceries is the local Dollar General. No produce and nothing out of the ordinary–lots of junk food–the Cowboy is glad they sell ice cream!

Sunday I planted a tree and my polyurethane applying skills were back in demand. Louanne and Dan purchased one of those very small potted Christmas trees to use in their home over the holidays. They live in town and did not think a tree predicted to grow 40 feet would fit in their landscaping so it came to live out in the country with us.

I’ve been trying to fix the cages and water holding dams around all our trees. And protect them from the stupid critters. Here are two of the ones I’ve done and you can see the damage on the lower limbs wrought by what we think were jackrabbits. We thought these two trees were big and strong enough to withstand critters and had removed the cages to give the trees more room to spread. Well–now they just have bigger cages!

Rocks are in short supply on our Arizona property. But just up the road is a piece of ground right beside the road that is just covered in rocks–odd–so Emmi and I take one of the golf carts and pick rocks.

For Sunday lunch I made carne asada tacos using this recipe from .  Oh my goodness were they ever delicious! We are thinking that’s a recipe to have on the menu often!

Late afternoon I headed over to Linda’s where we spent a lovely time sitting on her patio in the sun enjoying beverages and goodies. Louanne, Linda, Janice and myself were joined today by Mo, our new neighbor. Mo is the new CEO of the hospital in Willcox. She grew up in Sierra Vista and has now come full circle back home. It was a fun time and a beautiful afternoon! And that ends this week–we have a busy week coming up with a trip to Phoenix.

12 thoughts on “Tree Planting

  1. I hope you get your vaccine scheduled in Phoenix.
    Also; everyone that has gotten the vaccine or getting it is remembering to thank President Trump!


  2. I can’t believe how the rabbits ate the bottome of your trees. But with such a dry fall and winter, those pines would have looked awful juicy. I wonder if the fact your MH was in the west with the drier climate had any effect on the drying wood panels!? Not having a good grocery store near by would be tough. You can always have an extra freezer but not having fresh produce would kill me. I was thinking back to all the places we’ve lived since we were married 44 years ago. I have always lived within two miles of the grocery store. I’m a great one for needing to run to the store as I get ready to prep dinner to get something I forgot. Hope you get some kind of small market back in your little community. I copied the taco recipe. Sounds wonderful and easy. Thanks for sharing.


    1. The Cowboy and I have been married almost 27 years and in those years as you know, I’ve not lived close to a grocery store. Living at North Ranch with the Safeway 10 miles away was the closest. And you are right, it’s the produce I run out of and yogurt of all things!


  3. Are you and the Cowboy getting your Covid shots in Phoenix? Since I’m a Veteran, I could get it free and , I could get it my wife the same day. We heard that certain people can get it free. Maybe in the next couple of weeks we could come see your place ALL the the work you 3 and have put into your beautiful home! Take care, Rawn&Joann&PeanutJoy!


    1. The Cowboy all ready has his covid vaccine and an appointment for his second one. All the covid vaccinations are free as far as we know. At the pharmacy where Mike obtained his they only asked for his Medicare number. I am 65 and also on Medicare. Won’t it be wonderful to see friends and new acquaintances when we are all vaccinated and safer!


  4. Glad you have your trees protected from the critters. We were so frustrated in our hometown in southern Oregon by the herds of deer ruining everything we planted that we ended up with an eight-foot cedar fence around our property. We tried everything else before doing that—including a product called “Not Tonight, Deer” that smelled so terrible our neighbor thought our cat had died, hahaha!!!

    I cannot imagine shopping for groceries at the Dollar Store, but people do that here in our dinky town in north Florida, too. We shop at the Piggly Wiggly, LOL. At least they have vegetables.


    1. We struggle with the deer in Montana too—I plant supposedly deer resistant plants, the deer leave them alone for a couple years then I come outside on a summer day to find my flower beds mowed by the deer!😡😡We live so remotely and I love it but a nearby grocery store would be awesome!


  5. We are still waiting in Tucson for the vaccine to be given to folks 65 and over…right now it’s only for medical, fire, police, educators and folks over 75. I had heard that Maricopa County was giving vaccines for 65 and over…glad you got on the schedule. Fingers crossed, Pima County will be soon…we are both registered and waiting!

    It is amazing how quickly those cute little bunnies can destroy precious plants. I truly feel the frustration you felt about your knitting. Kudos to you for sticking with it…I haven’t. I love knitting and find it relaxing until I have to stop, then start again. Gay


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