We’ve Had Some Beautiful Days

Wednesday was our first full day of sunshine in many days.  There was a cool breeze but that warm sunshine felt wonderful! We’ve planned a short trip with the motorhome and the Cowboy started testing all the systems–does the propane work–yes, once we figured out the cook top!  The generator runs like a top, the refrigerator works, I think we are good to go.

Thursday was an in town yoga day and while there I ran several errands and enjoyed lunch with Jill at the Grand. I delivered some items we had sold through our local Facebook group, too.  Back home the sun was shining and the Cowboy decided we should tackle the “dome” which came with our little R-Pod trailer.  Thank goodness for YouTube as the instructions were worthless!  The “dome” gives you a bunch more room when camping in that tiny trailer and people on the R-Pod Facebook site rave about these attachable tents.  We will see!

Friday we made another trip to town to deliver some things we had sold on Craigslist.  At home the Cowboy begin to replace the brakes on the R-Pod and I shampooed the carpets in the motorhome.  After lunch I was going to do some weed whacking but for the first time in its life my gasoline powered weed whacker wouldn’t start!!  The Cowboy thinks we need a new spark plug–I hope that fixes it!  So many weed whackers are a pain in the neck to start but mine is easy to start and as I said has always started–dang it!!

Today, Saturday, was branding day at Lonn’s.  It was a gorgeous Montana day.  I babysat the food while everyone else did the work.  It was good to see our gang and especially the babies!

My Cowboy and our friend Ken–they went to high school together.  Ken and his wife Lesley live near us too.

Life is good!

12 thoughts on “We’ve Had Some Beautiful Days

  1. So very beautiful, the mountains, the babies, your life. It would be hard to leave Montana I think, especially those mountains. And yet, I did leave the mountains and the forest for less snow, and I don’t miss it a bit…and yet…I remember Montana. Not the Crazies, but the Swans, and Flathead Lake, and a beloved friend who lived in Ronan, south of Polson. I could have lived there forever, but ahh, I never found a Cowboy.


    1. Thank you Sue! It is incredibly beautiful here and I don’t think my Cowboy could ever live without his mountains! We are fortunate to be able to travel in winter and miss most of the nasty weather.


  2. Beautiful country! We had our first real warm day…..probably 90.
    Doesn’t excite me at all. Do you have much humidity? We at least do not
    have that.
    I don’t remember what the R-Pod is for? Short camping trips?
    Thought you had a camper for that or maybe I missed a
    transaction along the way. Lol. It is a cute little RV.


    1. Rarely do we have humidity Linda. Going to be 88 degrees in Billings today, not so warm up here in the mountains. It would be easy to miss a RV transaction in this household :), the little RV is for camping trips.


    1. Other R-Pod owners say they’ve used the dome in high winds?? Our fresh water holding tank carries only 36 gallons which means we won’t stay in one spot for more than 3–4 days—is putting up the dome worth it??


  3. I bought a gas weed-wacko when I 1st moved to the mountains..It’s so hard to start it has sat in a shed for the past 15 yrs…
    The R-pod spare room does not look worth the effort, you will let us know?
    Have fun!


  4. Good to see some spring weather coming your way. Warm below with snow on the mountains is perfect! Friends of ours had a Teardrop trailer called Miss Daisy. They loved her side tent for dressing. Your tenting looks huge. The grandbabies are growing up fast.


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