Winter Arrived

But it’s not going to stay long–this coming week our forecasters are calling for sunshine and highs in the 50’s.  Our four wheel drive diesel pickup is still in the shop and we had to drive the jeep in the snow today–here’s a link to what happened the last time we drove the jeep in a snowstorm!  To be fair, today’s roads were a piece of cake compared to the roads on the December night in 2013 when we rolled the jeep over in a ditch–it was eighteen degrees below zero that night and the the roads were pure ice.  Today the roads were just slushy.

Thursday the Cowboy dropped me at Julia’s for yoga and then went to visit his dad.  Once home the Cowboy puttered with those dang chain saws (one chain saw now runs and cuts) and I hung out in the quilting studio–working on my Buggy Barn bunny quilt–I finished all nine bunnies!  It was mostly sunny and warmish–we decided to take a late afternoon drive up the Boulder to look for critters.  No critters to speak of–just deer– but the scenery was beautiful!

Friday I made a run into town to check on Nat leaving the Cowboy and Emmi at home.  My guy is one happy cowboy–the motorhome AquaHot now totally works!!!  The system heats the whole coach and heats our hot water. It’s such a relief to him to have that system finally fixed!  He could make the bedroom and bathroom zones heat as well as heat water but he could not make the living/dining/cockpit area zones heat.  He ordered a new pump for that zone but yesterday decided to take a new route and now thinks this zone had an air lock.  It works and now we can be toasty warm!  We also made a failed attempt at getting to that inside dual off the rim flat tire we have but while the Cowboy has massive amounts of tools his compressor was not up to the task.  So, we wait for the tire shop–who are so busy installing winter snow tires for people!

I can help you says Emmi!

Today we braved the roads to check on Nat and were so glad to be there when the Cowboy’s friend Royal called to see if it was OK for him to visit.  Nat was alert enough to recognize and talk with Royal–they had a good visit. Nat can tell many stories about the scrapes the Cowboy and Royal found themselves in as teenagers!  Royal took us to lunch–he is such a funny guy–we had a great visit!

Safely back home we are warm and watching the snow fall–a very good day!

Nat built the fence you see in this photo.

21 thoughts on “Winter Arrived

  1. The scenery is gorgeous! I’m not a winter person so pictures are as close as I want to get. Now if it’s could just convince my husband to move me further way down south.


  2. Oh, boy, winter is really there. Good to hear it will warm up this week and melt it. That sure was scary to reread about your Jeep flipping over. Glad your roads weren’t that bad. Hopefully, you will be able to continue to get to see Nat:)


  3. Yes Janna, we are still having rain here in Tombstone. Wonderful; the rain we have had this year.
    Keeping y’all in our prayers?


  4. With sixty days until it’s officially Winter, you may have a long cold season!! The pics are beautiful, but I’m glad I don’t have to drive in it. I’m sure it makes getting that heater working right even sweeter 🙂 Emmi is doing a great job supervising the repairs!


  5. Is the place where you are now living the old home place?
    PS. We are getting snow and below freezing temps here in the Okla. Panhandle today. And crops are still in the field!!
    Don in Okla.


    1. Probably about twenty years ago–the top rails are rotting but the rest of it seems to be holding it’s own. I love that fence–it isn’t on our property any longer since we sold the major portion of our ranch but the current owners love it too.


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