We Have Supplies and Amazing Pearce

The Home Depot delivery fellow wasn’t sure he wanted to turn into the road which leads to our house so the yellow jeep went to get him.  And Emmi supervised the unloading–

That’s a big pile of lumber and other supplies he unloaded–it feels good to finally have the stuff we need to really get started!

On Monday the Cowboy worked on the shed and I dealt with trucking brokers–while the shed isn’t completely finished, the lawnmower fits and the Cowboy is smiling–

The little building still needs trim and a new roof but at least the big lawn tractor is out of the sun.

We think this place had a fruit orchard at one time but all the trees are dead probably for lack of water.  There is one tree in the front yard which we think might still be alive and we’ve been giving it gray water from the motorhome. Some of the trees around Pearce are beginning to leaf out so we shall see if our tree is alive soon I would bet.

The wind has howled again today, gained strength and howled some more but at least it was still a warm wind!  Pearce continues to amaze me–there is a food truck next to the post office and on my way back from the laundromat Monday I picked up lunch–delicious!  I had a warm pastrami on rye with provolone cheese and the Cowboy had a huge burrito.  The people running the truck are from Kalispell, MT–their son and his wife live in Pearce and were running the food truck.  The wife was severely injured in an automobile accident and the son needed to be at home with her.  So, his parents from Kalispell, MT came to run the food truck.  Nice people!

And, long time readers of this blog know how much trouble I have finding hairdressers–again Pearce amazes me.  There is a fabulous salon–clean, bright, beautifully decorated and they do nails, toes, hair, facials and massages.  I received a great haircut today–I am amazed!

Life is good!

17 thoughts on “We Have Supplies and Amazing Pearce

  1. Sounds like you are settling in nicely. Sure do enjoy your updates. We went on a road trip today. The hillside and road ditch flowers are gorgeous. Yes, life is good.


  2. Hmmmm, wind! It beats the 2 inches of snow we had today. I hardly remember a time when winter was this long.
    The tractor shed looks a lot better. You guys are sure hard workers. Makes me tired just reading about it 😉


  3. So lucky, supplies from Home Depot, happy Cowboy, and nails, hair and toes to boot! I’d call that all good!!!


  4. Hooray on the great haircut! I lived in an area several years and tried 13 different “people with scissors”. I would not call one of them a hair stylist. These days I drive 150 mile round trip to get my hair cut and the lady is wonderful!


  5. Over the next month, as the overnight lows rise toward 50, our western diamondback rattlers begin to emerge from their winter dens. Just be aware when working outside or reaching under your lumber pile. In most typical springtimes, by the time the rattlers wake up down here, the snow has melted up north and I’m packing up to go to Colorado.


    1. I just said to the Cowboy tonight, “we better start watching for rattlesnakes!” We have run across rattlesnakes in Arizona and we have to be cautious about the dang things in Montana, too!


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