Hard On The Pocket Book

We said our goodbyes Monday morning and pointed the rig south.  Six uneventful hours later we were pulling into the yard .  Seattle was hard at work inside the house–he made great progress while we were gone which was heartening to see!

Taking time off was a good idea–we are rested and ready to start work again.  Unfortunately, Seattle was out of joint compound so a trip to Sierra Vista or Tucson was in order for Tuesday.  We chose Sierra Vista and headed out with a list a mile long.  We chose flooring but tonight are waffling over our choice?????  So, I may be going back to Sierra Vista Wednesday!

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, snow, outdoor and natureSeems it snowed in Germany!

Well, we waffled and came to a decision–we bought laminate flooring and decided we wanted tile so off to Sierra Vista I went this morning.  When I left at 10am I never dreamed I wouldn’t get home until after 4pm!  I arrived at Home Depot about noon after stopping at Harbor Freight.  Just a few minutes before 2pm I went to the service desk and requested a manager consultation! 😦   The two young people helping me were trying their best.  They could only load so much onto a forklift then take it to my truck so as to load the truck in the right order.  When they would get back to the department with the forklift for another load, other customers would waylay the two employees or the phone would ring.  I complained to the manager not about these two employees but about the fact those two young people needed some help and help we got!  Once help arrived things moved along much faster!

I left Home Depot stopping only for fuel before heading out of town on Charleston Road which goes to Tombstone–then on to Pearce–I didn’t get far.  Flashing lights, a coroner’s vehicle and a deputy rerouting traffic off Charleston Road.  We were forced to go all the way over to HWY 90, then south.  It was the long way around for me–not sure what happened but it wasn’t good, I am sure! 😦

On the way to Sierra Vista this morning I noticed this fire on the mountainside–also not good!

At home the Cowboy used our trusty backhoe to unload the two pallets of tile–about 3000 pounds–have I said before I sure am glad we have that backhoe!  

And that’s not the end of the flooring saga–it was too much weight/bulk to get all the needed supplies onto our truck–so the Cowboy is going back to Sierra Vista Thursday–I am going to paint!

18 thoughts on “Hard On The Pocket Book

  1. OMG, what a shopping trip,
    is nothing ever easy?
    Surely in days ahead you will look
    at the finished home and say,
    “how did we ever do it ?”
    A real fixer-upper story!


  2. I’m not there but I think the tile is more in line with Southwest style. That’s a whole a lot of tile!! Sounds like your NR trip rejuvenated both of you!!


  3. Great that you had progress on your remodel, even while being gone. I hate going to Lowe’s or Home Depot when I might need assistance. Very few employees, and even fewer that know anything about the department they work in. Last time I asked to speak with a manager I was told they didn’t have one. She had resigned two weeks prior, and had not been replaced, was the story. Pretty much the way of the world, nowadays.


    1. I dislike the big box stores but our options are limited. The local hardware store doesn’t stock tile and many other things we’ve needed. Neither does the hardware store in Willcox. So, we deal with the devil I guess! 🙂 🙂


    1. Yep, Steve, that truck is the Cowboy’s pride and joy. It’s a 1997 and when we purchased it in 2014 it only had 60,000 miles on it. The Cowboy wanted a truck he could fix–today’s vehicles are way too computerized!


  4. Nice that you have a pretty drive to Sierra Vista, albeit a long one to make several times in one week! Glad the walls are nearly done as it looks like that floor will take awhile – back to the trailer?? Hope your temps are cooperating for all this hard work!


    1. We’ve never moved out of the trailer completely–still sleeping out there and now that the kitchen is a mess, I’m cooking out there too. Our temps are cool enough that when walking Emmi early in the morning I’m wearing a jacket and gloves!


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