Sunday In Arizona

Holy, moly it is warm in Arizona!  Saturday there was an auction nearby–we all three went to the auction but Emmi and I couldn’t take the heat.  The Cowboy brought us home and went back for a while but the stuff he might have purchased wasn’t going to sell until early afternoon.  We had other plans.  Our friends Angie and Ralph are staying in their new Arctic Fox truck camper at the Tombstone cowboy shooting range.  Wednesday they leave on a trip of a lifetime to spend five months in Canada and Alaska.  Angie and Ralph are full time RVers and usually live in their 36 foot Holiday Rambler Presidential 5th wheel but for this journey they wanted something smaller.  When did manufacturers start putting slides in truck campers????  Saturday they invited Jim and Linda–our friends who live full time in Tombstone–and we three to enjoy a late lunch/early dinner with them.  It was a fabulous afternoon with good friends and good food!

 Jim and LindaRalph has his back to the camera and Angie is facing the camera.  Jim is saying, “Linda, she has that camera out again!”

Sunday morning dawned with the Arizona bright sunshine causing the temperature to rise rapidly.  I did some brush painting of the garage fascia boards before heading off to church.  The Cowboy has made building a garage seem easy!  Of course, the cement floor was all ready in place as was one wall but it still seems as if we’ve built a garage in record time!  As I type this blog he is still out there working on installing the garage door.

I wrote about all the used windows we have–taken from a house in which Lonn (the Cowboy’s son) and his late wife LoraLee lived before moving to the new house the ranch owners built for them.  Well–next to that house was a long narrow garage slated to be destroyed–it had FIVE garage doors.  The Cowboy spent a few days removing all those garage doors which have since been stored in our barn.  We hauled one of those doors to Arizona last fall intending to use it at our North Ranch house.  As you all know–that didn’t happen and we are glad to have that door to use in this garage.  The Cowboy’s brain has been working overtime trying to figure out where all the nuts/bolts/springs go–it’s been a few years since he removed all those garage doors!

All the roof sheeting is in place on the garage roof.
The garage door–not working but in place!
Garage door from the inside.

My geraniums are blooming beautifully–getting a head start for the Montana summer.

Sunset in Arizona!

Where Were We

In 2009 on this day we were back in Montana after a winter spent traveling to Mexico.  Our little schnauzer Jazz was so ill that winter but had recovered to some extent as you can see in this photo–one of my favorite of Jazz!  Sadly we lost her to cancer in July, 2009–she was only nine years old.

6 thoughts on “Sunday In Arizona

  1. I must say that Michael is very resourceful. Bring that garage door with you turned out to be the perfect idea. Boy that garage came together quickly…wow! Looks great! Little Jazz was so excited in the photo:)


    1. I was beginning to think we might have to haul that garage door all the way back to Montana! :))) Jazzy was totally different from Emmi but we loved her so much–she died way too young.


  2. Garage looks good. When we were there a few months ago Mike was talking about extending the cement garage floor another 6 feet and I’m wondering if he did that. I didn’t know that little Jazzie had a pilot’s license……she was quite a flyer.


  3. Boy, I miss a couple posts and the garage is already done! Yep, it’s definitely warming up, we were very glad to get out of Laughlin this morning. Glad Michael’s injury wasn’t more serious.. How fun that friends are finding you – even in the grocery in tiny Wilcox!!


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