A Great Day With Friends

Several weeks ago on Craigslist I spotted a dining room table I thought would work in our small guest house.  We currently are using one of those pub style tables and it only seats four people. We talked about it and both agreed we wouldn’t buy any furniture until we had more of the main house finished–no room to store any more furniture. That decision didn’t keep either of us from searching Craigslist.  Wednesday morning I found THE table and chairs and when I showed the photos to the Cowboy he said, “let’s hook up the horse trailer and go get it.  So much for the decision not to buy furniture!  Thursday afternoon we headed to Tucson and bought the table and chairs.  It’s handmade of rosewood with exquisite workmanship and gorgeous wood.  There are six chairs, two of which are arm chairs.  When the main house is finished this table will look gorgeous in our dining room.  One of the reasons it appealed to us so much is that it is 36 inches wide–most tables are 42 inches wide.  We have a small space for a table in the tiny guest house–this one fit the bill.

Friday the Cowboy spent the day installing a motion detector light and some hallway lighting.  He was busy, busy all day long.  I spent most of the day cooking–pies and pizza crust–we had pizza for lunch.  Emmi and I spotted the deer herd during our early morning walk–

Saturday was a beautiful day in Arizona. Not only was the weather outstanding but we also got to spend several hours with our friends Jim and Linda who live year round in Tombstone.  We met Jim and Linda probably in about 2004? while we were participating in cowboy action shooting.  Jim was a shooter, Linda held down their fort. They were full time RVers when we first met but several years ago they settled in Tombstone.  They are just the easiest people to be around, so kind and giving.

Linda arrived with homemade chocolate sauce but that’s not all she brought–she had Jim bring into the house this big, heavy blue box.  When I opened the house warming gift I was amazed–I’m thinking it is the one of the most thoughtful gifts I’ve ever received!! Linda has exquisite taste and her gift to me shows that taste.  There were two bowls in the box from the Nambe’ Forte collection.  The bowls are made from concrete (yes, concrete) with the traditional Nambe’ silver rim.  Thank you so much Linda and Jim, I LOVE them!!

We had such a delightful meal and afternoon of gabbing, it’s been a while since we’ve seen Linda and Jim.  It wasn’t long after they left that it was time for us to go eat again.  Tonight the VFW was serving prime rib–reservations were required and when we inquired about going, we were told they were sold out.  Well, those new friends (thanks Linda and Norma Sue!) we’ve made in this special community worked magic and we were able to attend tonight.  The food was delicious and the company so much fun!  AND–I won the 50/50 drawing–$65!–it was meant to be that we attend!

 Sunrise Saturday morning.

And Linda’s Christmas card–a true southwest themed one.

Life is very good!  Merry Christmas!!



14 thoughts on “A Great Day With Friends

  1. Your table is beautiful and truly perfect for your southwest home. Those bowls are so unique! I know you’ll make fabulous things to fill them with 🙂

    Your Christmas is already very Merry!!


    1. Thanks Geri–the insert which came with the bowls said they are food safe and also could be used as a wine cooler–put the concrete bowl in the freezer for 45 minutes then use it as a wine cooler.


  2. More great friends and good Christmas times and good food. Nice. Curious. Do you two ever plan to give up the Montana ranch to live full time forever in the new house or will you go back and forth for as long as you possibly can. I just can’t quite imagine you or the Cowboy without the Ranch.


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