Every Day Is Progress

Every single day progress happens–it might be a baby step but it’s still progress.  Today (Tuesday) Ainslie and the Cowboy laid cement board in the larger bedroom and closet after I painted the closet.  This afternoon late the Cowboy hung a clothing rod and now we have an actual place to hang clothes!  My clothes have been hanging out in trailer, the Cowboy’s in the laundry room.  Other stuff was scattered here and there–it’s nice to have a real closet!

Sunday after church Ainslie took this photo of the Cowboy, Emmi and me–sunglasses might be in order!

Last season the washer was leaking and the Cowboy ordered a new pump.  The washer stopped leaking and the new pump was never installed.  A couple days ago I went into the laundry room to find LOTS of water on the floor–oops, the pump is leaking again.  Today was the day for pump installation and it went surprisingly well!

Ainslie and Beryl are heading to Mexico tomorrow–they are adventuresome travelers!  Tonight we enjoyed another great meal–Ainslie smoked ribs all afternoon–delicious.

Progress, another great day!

17 thoughts on “Every Day Is Progress

  1. I think I’m going to need a pictorial tour when you are all finished! You have made tremendous progress so far, I’d say. From rattlesnake harbor at first to finished beautiful home!


  2. Sorry hit the post to quick😜🤓 I am Anonymous above…
    We are sure enjoying reading about your build and following all your travels! Our Best to you all!


    1. And we sure miss seeing you guys! I was reading past blogs looking for something the other day and saw a post I wrote about Parker dashing into the house to find Emmi’s food bowl every single time!


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